3 Ways To Practice Self-Care, Even When You Are Busy

Fall is just around the corner, and it is the back-to-school season! Whether you are a parent or teacher, or not this change in season often coincides with changes in schedules. Everyone is back from vacation, and most of us simply seem to be busier. This can leave us feeling overwhelmed and busy until we become accustomed to our new routines. Here are a few ways I like to ensure that I still take care of myself.

Give Yourself A Few Extra Minutes In The Morning

Whenever I experience big changes to my schedule, I like to wake up 5 minutes earlier until my new routine is solidly in place. Personally, I like to add these extra five minutes to the intention-setting part of my morning. I use this time to think about what I have ahead of me for the day. I think about what complications may arise and try to prepare potential solutions.

You can use this extra time however you choose, as long as you use it yourself. Maybe it’s reading a post from your favorite blog. It could be taking a few minutes to drink your morning coffee slowly. The point is, that this extra time allows you to focus on yourself before you begin focusing on kids, work, errands, or whatever the day has in store for you.

It seems so small, but that extra time can really help you start the day off feeling more centered and ready to go!

Learn A New Grounding Technique

The Champ City Team likes to practice new grounding techniques each month. One of my favorites is the 5,4,3,2,1 Technique. I also love a good deep breathing routine. Find one that suits you best and practice it 5-10 times for a few days in a row. Practice the grounding technique when you are in a calm environment will allow you to easily implement it when you do experience stress.

This is an awesome yet simple way to help reduce stress levels. Bringing down anxiety levels is key to improving your holistic health and a great way to ensure you are taking care of yourself. In turn, by taking care of yourself, you are able to be your best for your family, friends, and colleagues!

Treat Yourself

This tip is probably the one we all think of when we hear the words self-care. A really easy way to add a moment of self-care into your routine without sacrificing a lot of time is to treat yourself to a little something special. And just because it’s special doesn’t mean it needs to be anything fancy. Buy yourself a new water bottle that makes you excited to hydrate throughout the day, upgrade a part of your skincare routine, or take a quick walk to get a few moments just for you.

There are so many ways to practice self-care. Hopefully, these tips will help you find the best ways you can take care of yourself. Good luck getting into your fall routine!

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