Champ City: Core Advanced

From: $75.00 or $28.00 Monthly

A 12 week dumbbells & foam roller program designed for people that want to get fit at home. Workouts are up to 45 minutes long making it a great choice if you have a busy schedule!

  • Equipment: Dumbbell, Foam Roller
  • How many workouts a week? 5
  • Purpose: Muscle Growth, Conditioning
  • Ability: Beginner


A 12 week dumbbells & foam roller program designed for people that want to get fit at home. Workouts are up to 45 minutes long making it a great choice if you have a busy schedule!

  • Equipment: Dumbbell, Foam Roller
  • How many workouts a week? 5
  • Purpose: Fat Loss, Conditioning and Core Strength
  • Ability: Advanced