This 5 workouts per week program is intended for guaranteed muscle development. This type of program works best within the framework of a 5-day split up with Monday, Wednesday and Friday being your full body focused workouts. On the other 2 days you will focus only on your upper body and your lower body, Tuesday being the day for the lower body focused workout and Saturday your upper body focused day; Thursday and Sunday will be your recovery/mobility days. If you are have trouble sticking to this schedule, feel free to change things around to accommodate your timetable best.
- Equipment: Barbell, Dumbbell, Resistance bands
- Program Length: 16 Weeks
- How many workouts a week? 5 (and optional mobility work on the other 2 days!)
- Workout Duration: 40 minutes or less
- Primary Focus: Muscle Growth
- Secondary Focus: Strength, Conditioning, Core Strength
- Workout Format: Regular
- Experience: Intermediate